The prophet Zechariah, father of the Prophet Yahya conscious and aware that unlicensed members of his family, his brothers, his cousins and his brother are the children of the wicked Israelites who did not hesitate to violate the laws of religion and the sinner, because faith and their religious sentiments have not completely absorbed in their hearts, so they are easily tempted and fall into the valley kemungkaran and disobedience. He khuatir when death came and left them without an heir who can continue the leadership of his people, call themselves will be more damaged and more courage to do evil and wickedness even possible that they make changes in the holy book the Torah and abuse laws religion.
It is always disturbing thoughts Kekhuatiran Zakaria besides feeling sad heart that free since wedding until he reaches the age of ninety years, God has not mengurniakannya with a child that he desire to become his successor to lead and mengimami Bani Israil. He was rather amused than feelings of sadness and kekhuatirannya during his task is to maintain and supervise Mary, who can be regarded as their own biological child. But his deepest feelings and strong keinginanya to memperolhi descendants moved back when he witnessed the miracle of Mary dimihrabnya meal. He thinks in his heart that unlicensed not something impossible in the power of God. God has given sustenance to Mary in a state of helplessness alone and tried, He also gave her ruling descendants when He wills even though he was already up and hair was full of gray hair.
On a night that was late Zakaria sit in mihramnya menghiningkan copyright concentrate minds to the greatness of God while bermunajat and prayed fervently and beliefs that round. With a gentle voice berucaplah he in his prayer: 'Lord give me a son who would inherit a party of mewarisiku and family of Jacob, who will continue the leadership and tuntunanku to the Bani Israil. I khuatir sepeninggalanku later that unlicensed family members will be damaged again aqeedah and faith when I left to die without a leader who will replace me. My Lord, my bones have become weak and my head was filled with gray hair is my wife is a woman who was barren but Thy power is above all rule and I'm not tired of begging-jemunya pray unto thy mercy mengurniai you're a son of the pious that you redhai. "
He said allowing the petition Zakaria: "O Zakariya We give thee glad khabar, you will get a son named John, whose pious that justified the books of Allah became the leader who followed defend oneself from the passions and temptations of the devil and will be a prophet."
He said: "O my Lord how I would acquire a child while his wife is a woman who is barren and I myself advanced in years."
God answers with His word: "Thus it is an easy thing for me. Do I have created thee when thou at this time there has been no at all? "
He said: "My Lord, give me would be a sign that unlicensed wife I had conceived." He said: "The sign for you that free you can not speak with a human for three consecutive days except by signs. And call it my name as much as possible and celebrate at a time when evening and morning. "
Prophet Yahya bin Zakaria a.s. not much is told by the Qur'an except that free knowledge and wisdom he was given while he was a child and that unlicensed he is a dutiful son to both ora ng parents and not the proud disobedience. He is best known scholars, sharp-minded since she was young, very earnest prayer that carried the day and night and therefore contributes to the body and make it kesihatan emaciated, his face pale and her eyes sunken.
He is known by his people as the pious master to religious matters, memorized the Torah, so he became the place to ask about religious laws. He had the courage in taking a decision something, do not fear nor reviled people ignore the threat of the authorities in their efforts to uphold truth and fight kebathilan.
He always advise people who have sinned to repent of their sins. And as a sign they were baptized taubatnya} {baptized in the river Jordan, which until now prevailing habit among the people kerana Kristian and John was the first to hold the ceremony, he was nicknamed "John the Baptist".
It is reported that unlicensed Hirodus Palestinian Authority at the time a child loves his own brother named Hirodia, a beautiful girl, beautiful, slender and slim-bodied and eager to mengahwininya. The girl along with her mother and all family members menyentujui perkahwinan the plan, but the Prophet Yahya issued against him and that unlicensed fakwa perkahwinan it should not be implemented kerana contravene the Law of Moses, which forbids a child marry his own brother.
News perkahwinan plan Hirodus and Hirodia and fatwas that forbid John spread in all corners of the city and became the talk of people in every place where people gather. Herodia the beautiful girl was feeling sad the candidate's wife mingled anger against the Prophet Yahya who has issued a fatwa forbidding perkahwinannya with the father of his own brother, a fatwa which has brought reactions and opinions among the community at large. He is the father of his brother that unlicensed khuatir Herodus can be affected by future husband John's fatwa and who has been forced to cancel perkahwinan-awaited and coveted, even even have prepared a form of clothing mahupun everything necessary equipment for parties agreed perkahwinan it.
Faced with fatwa Prophet Yahya and the public reaction to it, Herodia not stay silent. He tried in armed kecantikkan and his face was a pretty affect the father of the groom's brother for perkahwinan plan implemented according to plan. With makeup and dress that stimulate, he went to visit his brother Herodus father who was hit by drunken romance. Herodus asked his wife to his nephew candidate who appears to be more beautiful than usual: "Hey sweetheart, what can I do for you. Say I will obey all your petition, coming here at this time certainly driven by something urgent urination which you want to convey to me. Convey to me without hesitation, O my dear, I'm ready to serve all the needs and desires. "
Herodia replied: "If Mr. King is pleased, so I only have one demand that pushed me to come visit my master at this. Single request that it is the head of Yahya bin Zakaria people who have screwed up our plans and sully the good name of Mr. King and my family in all places and directions. So he was beheaded. How satisfied my heart and magnitude of my gratitude, if my lord is pleased to grant this request. "
Herodus already crazy about her and captured by the beauty and elegance Herodia not cry out against demands for his wife, and no candidate can do other than submit to his will by ignoring the voice of his conscience and sense sihatnya calls. Thus it is not how long they brought the head of Yahya bin Zakaria, covered in blood and placed in front of her beloved Herodia a happy and satisfied smile sign that free hearts desire revenge against John had been fulfilled and the major obstacles that will hinder perkahwinannta plan has been eliminated, although his actions that reduce the curse of God upon him, the king himself and all of Bani Israil.
Faced with fatwa Prophet Yahya and the public reaction to it, Herodia not stay silent. He tried in armed kecantikkan and his face was a pretty affect the father of the groom's brother for perkahwinan plan implemented according to plan. With makeup and dress that stimulate, he went to visit his brother Herodus father who was hit by drunken romance. Herodus asked his wife to his nephew candidate who appears to be more beautiful than usual: "Hey sweetheart, what can I do for you. Say I will obey all your petition, coming here at this time certainly driven by something urgent urination which you want to convey to me. Convey to me without hesitation, O my dear, I'm ready to serve all the needs and desires. "
Herodia replied: "If Mr. King is pleased, so I only have one demand that pushed me to come visit my master at this. Single request that it is the head of Yahya bin Zakaria people who have screwed up our plans and sully the good name of Mr. King and my family in all places and directions. So he was beheaded. How satisfied my heart and magnitude of my gratitude, if my lord is pleased to grant this request. "
Herodus already crazy about her and captured by the beauty and elegance Herodia not cry out against demands for his wife, and no candidate can do other than submit to his will by ignoring the voice of his conscience and sense sihatnya calls. Thus it is not how long they brought the head of Yahya bin Zakaria, covered in blood and placed in front of her beloved Herodia a happy and satisfied smile sign that free hearts desire revenge against John had been fulfilled and the major obstacles that will hinder perkahwinannta plan has been eliminated, although his actions that reduce the curse of God upon him, the king himself and all of Bani Israil.
The story of Zakariya and Yahya noted above narrated by Al-Quran, surah Maryam paragraph 2 so that verse 15, Surah Ali Imran verse 38 senhingga paragraph 41 and sura Al-Anbiya 'verse 89 to verse 90.
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