Shaykh Al-Imam Al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Al-Bukhari Mugheerah (may Allaah have mercy) said:
About How The beginning of fall in Revelation To Rasulullah SAW
إنا أوحينا إليك كما أوحينا إلى نوح والنبيين من بعده
Allah says in the Qur'an, "Verily We sent down the revelation to you (Muhammad) as We sent down the revelation to the Prophet Noah and the prophets thereafter." [Surah An-Nisak (4:163)]
Discussion Kaedah Science Writing
Imam Al-Bukhari said, "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, means the beginning of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad." There are questions addressed to Imam al-Bukhari did not start writing about this book with sentences hamdalah and creed, as a donation from the Hadith of the Prophet SAW, "Every job that does not begin by reading hamdalah (praise God), then work disconnected Ilu (from the mercy Him), "In another Hadith is mentioned," Every sermon that is not contained therein creed, then the sermon was like a hand cut off. " Both this Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud from Abu Hurayrah.
Reply first, that free speech is most important in starting with what is intended. Imam Al-Bukhari has started this book by discussing "The beginning of fall in Revelation" and explained that unlicensed employment purposes must be in accordance with his intention, as if he said, "I begin the discussion of revelation from God to show sincerity and work of my intentions. Lo! act which is done every human being is dependent intention is in his heart, then it is enough that we understand this problem with the implied meaning. "
This way is much we find in kaedah writing other books.
Reply secondly, that unlicensed both certified that those not eligible Hadith Al-Bukhari, Hadith and even the second is still being criticized. We agree with both these hadith as argument, but the purpose of this Hadith is not means to be spoken and written. Maybe he has to say hamdalah and creed when he wrote, so after that he just simply write basmalah course, those three things mean kerana (hamdalah, creed and basmalah) is the remembrance of Allah Almighty, and that is enough to say basmalah.
As the first verses of the Qur'an down,
اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق
"Read with the name of God." [Surah Al-'Alaq (96:1)] which means to, that unlicensed precede an act with basmalah has represented hamdalah and Shahadah.
Then also the Prophet's letters sent to some of the king, he only wrote the initial letter with basmalah not with hamdalah and Shahadah, such as the Hadith narrated by Abu Sufyan about the story of King Hercules in this chapter, Hadith narrated by Barra 'story Suhail ibn Amar in the chapter "Hudaibiyah Agreement", and the other Hadith-Hadith.
For that we can understand that unlicensed, hamdalah and Shahadah is only recommended when the sermon was not in writing a letter or document, the Imam Al-Bukhari in his writings wear kaedah start writing letters to ulamak, with the aim that they can benefit as much as possible.
The penyarah book of Al-Bukhari has expressed an opinion on this issue, although they still have to check the opinion again. They argue that unlicensed begin this book by calling basmalah and hamdalah is including two opposites according to Imam al-Bukhari, kerana if he started with hamdalah, it would be contrary to customary (habit), and if he started with basmalah, then he has hamdalah leave, so he just started with basmalah.
All authors mashaf in each country also follow this way, both those who say that free basmalah include surah Al-Fatihah verse, or those who do not think like that.
Besides, there are also consistent with the word of God,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله ورسوله
"O those who believe, do not you go before God and His Prophet." (Surah Al-Hujurat [49:1]), so he does not precede the word of Allah and His Messenger, except by his word.
The opinion is very far from the truth is an opinion that said, that unlicensed Imam Al-Bukhari begin this paper with a sermon, in which there is hamdalah and Shahadah, but it was deleted by the person who reported it.
As if people who argue like this has ever read a book written by the teachers of Imam al-Bukhari and an expert certified that at the time, such as Imam Malik in the book of Al-Muwattok, Abdur Razaq Musannif in the book, the book of Imam Ahmad in Musnad Ahmad , Abu Dawud in the Book of Sunan Abi Daud, and other books that do not begin with a sermon and just started with basmalah.
This class is majoriti, while those who started with a sermon just minoriti class. Is it possible to say every narrators these books have deleted the sermon?
Absolutely not possible, because in their opinion hamdalah just pronounced it, as narrated by Shaykh al-Khatib in the book Al-Jami ', Imam Ahmad that unlicensed just read invocation of the Prophet and do not write when writing the Hadith, this show only recommended hamdalah and Shahadah to be read rather than written.
But they started it like kaedah sermon, by calling hamdalah and basmalah, as is done by Imam Muslim, we leave it to Allah, kerana He who is aware of a truth.
Has become a habit the author of the book, to start writing with lafadz basmalah, but no distinction in the writing of poetry began with an opinion if basmalah. According to Imam Sya'bi, it should not be, Imam Zuhri said, "It has come to an agreement the previous ulamak basmalah not to include in the writing of poetry," while Sa'id bin Juba'ir and Jumhur Ulamak allow it. The Sheikh of Al-Khatib justify second opinion.
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