She lifted the Prophet Isa عليه السلام and will drop him in the end times are aqidah the Companions, the tabi'in, scholars and imams Ahlus Sunnah throughout the ages.
Ibn Kathir رحمه الله said: "It has been mutawatir the hadiths of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم عليه السلام that Prophet Jesus will descend before the Day of Judgement as a priest in a fair and judge a wise (Tafseer Ibn Katsier, juz 7 things. 223)
Siddiq Hasan Khan said: "The hadiths about 'Isa عليه السلام decline very much. It has been mentioned by Imam Ash-Syaukani, of which there are 29 hadiths between saheeh, hasan and the hadeeth is weak are supported. Among them there are called together the story of the Antichrist, some are called together the hadiths of Imam Mahdi, plus atsar-atsar narrated by the Companions of the course has marfoo law '(to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم), the affair of the Antichrist not a matter of ijtihad ". Then he mentioned all the hadiths about Dajjal. After that he رحمه الله said: "All what we have achieved this degree nukilkan mutawatir as understood by those who have knowledge" (Al-Idza'ah, p.. 160, through excerpts Yusuf al-Waabil in Asyratu as-Sa 'ah)
It has been written by the scholars of Hadith 'Isa عليه السلام, was found from 25 of the Companions quoted from them by 30 Successors and quoted from tabi'in by atba'ut tabi'in more. Said Abu Muhammad Syamsul Haq Thayyib al'Adhim Abadiy: "It has been mutawatir news of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم عليه السلام about his coming from heaven with his body to the earth when it was near the Day of Resurrection. This is the madhhab ahlus Sunna. (Aunul Ma'bud, 11/457)
Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said رحمه الله: "The fall in Isa عليه السلام at the end of the age is a matter that is not disputed at all by the Muslims, because tersebutnya news authentic from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم about it. This is understandable in the case that religion is axiomatic, and do not believe those who deny it. (Footnote Tafsir Tabari with tahqiq Mahmud Shakir, cet. Daarul Ma'arif, Egypt, juz 6 p.. 460)
Said Sheik Muhammad al-Albani Nashiruddin رحمه الله: "Know that the hadiths about Dajjal, and the decline Isa عليه السلام is mutawatir news, waka we obliged to believe him. Do not be fooled by people who claim it is the hadiths hadiths aahaad, because they are the ones who are ignorant about science. None of them are searching and researching these hadiths with the streets. If only one wants to examine it, surely he will find the hadiths about this mutawatir, as whom the scholars like Ibn Hajar and others.
It is unfortunate emergence of people who are pushy, too daring to speak on the matter-matter that is not on the field. Moreover, none of his business is aqeedah and religious affairs. (Takhrij Shaykh al-Albani on Aqidah Syarh ath-Izzi Thahawiyah by Ibn Abil al-Hanafi, p.. 501)
The scholars include problems falling Isa عليه السلام in the books of Aqeedah and Sunnah principles which they set as Abu Ja'far ath-Thahawi رحمه الله in ath-Thahawiyah Aqidah, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Hussein al-Aajurri رحمه الله in ash- Shariah and Imam Ahmad رحمه الله in ushuulus sunnah.
Said Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wad'iy رحمه الله (Ahl-ul-Hadith of the land of Yemen): "The hadiths about his coming Antichrist عليه السلام and discharge according to the scholars is mutawatir. But those who undergo the course of Jamaluddin, the Iranians who confessed afghani, so I hope bermudah reject and revile the hadiths or distort its meaning to another meaning. I warn the residents of Egypt and Egyptian cleric leaders to cleanse his country of liberal ideas. May Allah give سبحانه وتعالى Taufiq, surely He is powerful over all things. (Ruduud Ahlul Ilmi, Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wad'i, p.. 25)
Said Qadli 'Iyad رحمه الله: "The fall in Isa عليه السلام and kill the Dajjal by him is true and according to the scholars ahlus saheeh Sunnah, because the hadiths are saheeh in this matter. And there is nothing that can be denied in the shari'ah and in a healthy mind. So Compulsory set one up. (See Syarh Saheeh Muslim by Imam Nawawi, vol 18, p.. 75)
Refutation of the heretics on the grounds that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is the Seal of the Prophets.
Imam Nawawi said رحمه الله: "This case has been denied by some Mu'tazilite, Jahmiyah flow and those that suits them to assume that these hadiths are fabricated with the revelations of Allah سبحانه وتعالى:
... وخاتم النبيين. الأحزاب: 40
And he is the Seal of the Prophets. (Al-Ahzaab: 40)
And with the sayings of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم:
لا نبي بعدي. (رواه مسلم)
There is no prophet after me. (Narrated by Muslim)
And with the consensus' of the Muslims that no prophet after our prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. And that Islamic law is eternal until doomsday and not dimansuhkan (not canceled).
This is pendalilan damaged, because it is not meant to fall Isa عليه السلام is down as the apostle who brought the new Shari'a, the Shari'a memabatalkan us. Nothing in these hadiths as well as the other arguments that demonstrate this. Even had saheeh hadiths and in ul Iman and others that the Prophet Isa عليه السلام down as a fair judge with our Shari'a law. And turn the case-case-Shari'a Shari'a we have already begun to be abandoned by humans. (Syarh Saheeh Muslim, Imam Nawawi, juz 18, p.. 278)
Imam adh-Dhahabi رحمه الله عليه السلام include Jesus in his book As-Tajridu Shahabah ash-mai (about the names of the Companions of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم), then he said: "Isa عليه السلام is a Companions and also a prophet. Because he had met and saw the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم on the night of Isra 'and Mi `raj. So he was the Prophet Companions صلى الله عليه وسلم the most recent death. (Tajridu Asmai ash-Shahabah thing. 432; through excerpts Yusuf al-Waabil in Asyrathu as-Hour, p.. 356)
Imam al-Qurtubi said رحمه الله: "Some people argue that with the decline Isa عليه السلام means will lift the burden of sharia (Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم-pen.), Because Isa عليه السلام down as the last messenger at that time, ordered them with the revelation of God. then of course that this is vanity and rejected by God سبحانه وتعالى states that the Messenger of Allah is the Seal of the Prophets (in Surat al-Ahzaab paragraph 40). And also refuted by the hadith: "There is no prophet after me" (Saheeh Muslim) and the hadith: "I was closing" (Sahih Bukhari). What is meant is he صلى الله عليه وسلم is the last prophet and its cover. "
Therefore not considered that Isa عليه السلام down as an apostle with a new addition to the Shari'a Shari'a Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Even his descent as a follower of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, as foretold in the hadith, when the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to Umar رضي الله عنه:
لو كان موس حيا م وسعه إلا اتباعي.
If Jesus was alive, surely there is no other choice except to follow him.
So Isa عليه السلام decline in the state already knows the commands of Allah سبحانه وتعالى since in the sky before falling. Namely know Shari'a science is to judge between man and do good for himself. Then gathered the believers followed him and he punishes them with Islamic law. (At-Tadzkirah, p.. 67-68, through excerpts Yusuf al-Waabil in Asyrathu as-Hour, p.. 360-361).
Refutation of the heretics on the grounds of Allah in the letter of Ali Imran verse 55: Inni Mutawaffiika
Said: Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله: "The utterance of God سبحانه وتعالى which states:
إذ قال الله ياعيسى إني متوفيك ورافعك إلي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا .. ال عمران: 55
When God said to him: "I'm me" 'died' about you and raise you to Me and mensucikanmu of unbelievers ... (Ali Imran: 55)
does not mean to kill Isa عليه السلام, because if that meant the death, it means Jesus together with other believers, namely lifting their spirits and took to the sky. This means that Prophet Jesus did not have any privileges. Similarly, utterance of God "wa muthahiruka minaladziina kafaru", if his soul separated from his body means his body remained on earth as the prophets of other body .... (Majmu 'Fataawa, juz IV thing. 322-323)
Mean body still crucified and humiliated by the infidels, which of course means not purified from the infidels and it is impossible. Because God in the above verse states "And I mensucikanmu of infidels".
Even the death sentence in Arabic has several meanings, as taken from the words meaningful qaabiduka hold or take. Then it could be meaningful to take the soul and body (like Isa عليه السلام), or take a spirit without body (ie death) or take in a state of soul consciousness and his body was still in place (ie when sleeping) as God used his death sentence in the following verses:
الله يتوفى الأنفس حين موتها والتي لم تمت في منامها ... الزمر: 42
God holds the soul (person) when death and (hold) people (people) who have not died in his sleep time ... (az-Zu-mar: 42)
وهو الذي يتوفاكم بالليل ويعلم ما جرحتم بالنهار ... الأنعام: 60)
And He is the "lull" in the night you and He knows what you do during the day ... (al-An'am: 60)
Said: Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله hereinafter: "... Therefore, the scholars say that the meaning mutawaffiika is qaabidluka (take you), that takes the spirit and thrown. Tuwaffa lafadz not necessarily meaningful to take the soul without the body. Not necessarily also the body to the soul together. Both must be understood according to context. (Majmu 'Fataawa, juz IV thing. 323)
We say: that the context of the sentence in the paragraph about Isa عليه السلام above is very clear. Because God سبحانه وتعالى called death sentence along with the sentence meaningful raafi'uka carry you.
Ibn Jarir Tabari interprets the meaning of death in the above verse as follows: "The more major of these opinions to say we are saheeh according to speech mutawaffiika say that the meaning is" I'm holding you and raise you (soul and body) to Me ", because mutawatirnya the hadiths of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم who preach that Jesus will come down and kill the Dajjal. (Tafsir Tabari, juz 3, p.. 291)
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