Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

The story of Prophet David as

Yisya son David was one of thirteen siblings thirteenth descendant of Prophet Ibrahim He remained settled in the town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Prophet Isa along with his father and brother thirteen.

David And King Thalout

When the king of kings of Bani Israil Thalout mobilize people to enter the Military and Military preparing people for war against the Palestinians, along with two of his older brother David was ordered by his father to take part in fighting and incorporate itself into the ranks Askar Thalout. Special to David as the youngest child among three brothers, her father ordered that she was in the back row and can not participate in combat. He was assigned only to serve both the sister who should be next dibarisan, bringing food and beverages as well as 2 other purposes for them, as well as he should from time to time give lapuran to his father about the course of the battle and the state of her brothers in the battlefield. He occasionally is not permitted forward to the front lines and helped fight, reminding young age and there is no fighting experience since he was born.

But when troops of the Banu Israil Thalout face to face with Jalout troops from Palestinian nation, David forgot his father's message when he heard a loud voice Jalout with great pride to invite opposing war, while jaguh-jaguh Bani Israil silent war sehinggapi taste scared and discouraged. He spontaneously offered to forward facing Jalout and there was fighting between the two of them ended with the murder of Jalout as already told in the story before this.

In return for the services of David defeating Jalout then made law by Thalout and dikahwinkannya with daughter named Mikyal, in accordance with agreements that have been announced to the troops that his daughter would dikahwinkan with people who can fight and defeat Jalout.
In addition he was charged as an in-law, David was also appointed by the king Thalout as advisers and people trust. He loved, praised and honored and respected rather than simple by-law even by all the people of Bani Israil who saw it as national heroes who have successfully raised offspring, and darjat Bani Israil-2 in the eyes of the nations around them.

The atmosphere of intimacy, mutual affection and love each other, including the relationship with his son-in-law David Thalout can not last long. At the end of time David felt that there was a change in attitude in-law against him. Usual sweet face he can from in-law turned into grim and stiff, his words commonly heard gentle turn into the words rough and hard. He asked ourselves whether the hell would that cause the sudden change of attitude? Are there things done that are considered by law is less feasible, so that makes it angry and hate him? Or maybe the heart-in-law are influenced by incitement and slander people who deliberately want to destroy the atmosphere of harmony and peace in the household? Is not he a faithful and obedient daughter to mertuanta having fulfilled his duty in the war oa good as expected? and is not he always remained willing to sacrifice his body to defend life and defend the kingdom of eternity-in-law?

David did not get a satisfactory Reply to the question-2 that crosses his thoughts were. He then returned to himself and said to himself, maybe what he sees as a change in attitude and treatment of mertuannya was only a mere suspicion and prejudice from his side and if any did exist they may be caused by affairs and issues-2-2 peribadi of-law that has nothing to do with himself as the law. so he mencuba reassuring and thoughts yang masyangul who think the next will not care and take the story of the attitudes and behavior of more distant in-law.

On a quiet, dark night, when he was in bed his wife bersam Mikyal. David said to his wife: "O Mikyal, whether true or false I'm in tanggapanku and whether my heart is sheer fantasy and conjecture of what fact or something I see in your father's attitude toward me? I see the end of this there is a change-2 from your father's attitude toward myself. He always faces me with a sad face and stiff than usual. His words to me not selamah soft as ever. From broadcast his views to me I see the sign-2 antipathy and hate me. He always menggelakkan himself from sitting with me to talk and talk as he used to do when he sees around him. "

Mikyal replied as he heaved a long breath and wiped the tears that fell upon her cheek: "Dear David, I will not hide anything from you and will not occasionally merahsiakan things you should know. In fact since my father saw that unlicensed seed rising in the eyes of the people and your name into a fruit mouth praised as a hero and savior of the nation, he felt jealousy and khuatir when pengaruhmu increasingly widespread among the people and their love thee more and more, it will be able to undermine his power and even possibly disrupt the authority of his kingdom. My father even though he is a believer clever and not from the royal to enjoy a luxurious life, occupy a soft and feel the sweetness of power. People affirm his words, carry out all orders and bow down if you deal with it. He khuatir will lose it all and go back to his farm land and cattle business in the village. Kerananya he does not like people who honored and respected prominent people especially revered and considered national heroes like you. He khuatir that free-2 sometimes you can snatch the crown and make the position and he was forced to return to the old way of life as each king doubted the loyalty of each person and berpurba thought to the actions of people-2-2nya if he had not understood what was intended by the action-2 that. "

"Dear David", Mikyal continue the story, "I got to know that unlicensed my father was thinking about a plan to get rid of you and scrape out pengaruhmu among the people and although I still merayukan truth of the story, I think it would not hurt if you apply from now on alert and caution against the possibility of unfortunate things for yourself. "
David was amazed that his wife's words and then he asked to himself and to his wife: "Why is there such a thing? Why kesetiaku doubt by your father, but I'm an honest and sincere hearts fought under its flag, to uphold truth and fight kebathilan and repel the enemy of your father, Thalout has conceded eliminate the temptation of Satan who have reasonable thoughts sihatnya and obscure way? "Then David finished saying tertidurlah those words.

On the next morning David woke oelh pesurh voice of a king who deliver calls and orders him to immediately come face.
Said the king told David that stands in front of him: "Hi David, this backward fikiranku sgt disturbed by a news menrungsingkan. I hear that people are putting together Kan'aan strengths and mobilize their people to come to attack and invade our area. You are my only hope, O David, who will be able menanganu this business so take your sword and prepare your war equipment choose the people whom you trust and go in between tenteramu their assault on the house before before they could come here. Thou shalt not return from the battlefield except by carrying the flag of victory or with jenazahmu carried on the shoulders of your people. "

Thalout want mencapi two goals at once with this trick, he handak destroy an enemy that is always threatening his country and with it mengusirkan David from above ground because it virtually guarantees to him that David will not come back safe and come home alive from the battlefield this time.
Ill will contain adequate tactics and deceit Thalout it was not unknown to David. He felt there was shrimp in order Thalout disebalik stone him, but he is as popular a faithful and disciplined member of the Military who carry out orders he received and that the best way possible without regard to or take into account the consequences that would befall him.

With bertawakkal to God berpasrah themselves to His destiny and armed with faith and talwa David in his heart went along with his troops toward the nation Kan'aan. He did not escape from the shelter of God that is already write them in his destiny mengutuskan David as Prophet and Messenger. Then David returned to his hometown along with his army to bring glorious victory.
The arrival of David returned with a victory accepted by Thalout with happy smiles and signs imposed by him. He pretended to welcome David with great respect and praise exaggerated, but in his chest increasingly fiery flames of resentment and hatred, much less realized that with the success of David steal the victory, its influence in the eyes of the people getting up and getting dicintainyalah it by Bani Israil so anywhere else people gather not only about self dipercakapkan David, his courage, skill kecekapannya led forces and strategize with properties where he can beat the nation Kan'aan and brought back to the home victory that became the pride of the whole nation.

Gagallah Thalout tactic to get rid of David by borrowing the hands of the people Kan'aan. He was disappointed not to see David's body was carried by his people who returned from the battlefield as he had hoped and predicted, but he saw David in a fresh condition gallant-fitter in the presence of his troops received alu-aluan people and cheer-sorainya sign of love they love him as a hero of a nation that is not invincible.
Thalout imagined fear of losing power further contributing to the influence of David, especially since the return from war with a nation Kan'aan, thinking the only way that will save him from the threat of David is to kill him directly. Then diaturlah assassination plan in such a cermatnya so it will not carry over to drag his name brought into it. Mikyal, wife of David who can kiss his father's evil designs, immediately told her husband, for he immediately distanced himself and left the city as quickly as possible before the evil design was implemented. David came out to meet the recommendation that faithful wife left the city dark at night with no bring lunch unless faith in the chest and a firm belief that will inayahnya God and His mercy.

After news of the disappearance of the palace of King David is known by the public, following the rushing bondonglah 2nya brothers, disciples 2nya of his followers seeking his tracks for him taste setiakawan menyampaukan them and offer help and assistance that may be needed.
They met David, is a bit far from town, he was again a break while contemplating the fate he experienced sebgai result from the actions of a servant of God who knew no good reason other human beings and who always indulge desires simply to maintain the temporal power. Servant of God is not conscious, he thought of David that the worldly pleasures and power he has is the gift of God may be revoked at any time of His return thereof.

David King Named

King Thalout increasingly reduced its influence and authority, since he declined ditingglkan by David and known by the people of his evil designs against the people who had been instrumental to bring victory after victory for the state and nation. And as far as people's award against Thalout slumped, as far as it is also their love for David is increasing, so many of those who fled following the David and incorporate themselves into the ranks, of which menjaadikan Thalout losing my mind and could not control himself. IA and run tactics iron fist, sword and kill anyone who he doubted his loyalty, not least among the victims there 2nya scholars and leaders of the people.

Thalout who know that unlicensed David who was the only rival for her still alive who probably will demand revenge over the betrayal and evil design, feel unable to sleep well and living in his palace tebteram see him die before he was killed. Kerananya he took the decision to pursue David wherever he is, with the remaining troops tenteranya already shaky discipline and loyalty to the Palace. He is thought to be quick-2 to destroy David and his followers before they become strong and grow many of his followers.

David bersert his followers went into hiding in a hiding place when he heard that Thalout with askarnya being chased and were not far from his hiding place. He told several people DRP his followers to see and observe the position Thalout already be close to their hiding places. They returned to tell David that unlicensed askarnya Thalout and was in a valley close to where they are and were all soundly asleep. They called out to David's not waste this good opportunity to give a blow that ensure the Thalout and askarnya. Their suggestion was rejected by David and he has made quite a while to feel the first warning for any angle cutting Thalout her clothes while he soundly in her sleep.

After Thalout awakened from his sleep, he dihampirilah by David who said, showing pieces cut out of the corner of his clothes he said to him: "Look at your dress clothes that I have a pair of scissors while you sleep soundly. Had I mahu nescaya I easily have been killed and divorce your head from your body, but I still want to give you the opportunity to repent and remember the Lord and cleanse the liver and fikiranmu of the properties of envy, and prejudice hasut whom you made an excuse to kill people as you please. "

Thalout can not hide his astonishment mixed with obvious embarrassment at her pale face. He said David's answer: "Truly thou art a more just and more generous than me. You really have shown great spirit and noble temperament. I have to admit it. "
The warning given by David not to menyedarkan Thalout. Strong desire to maintain his position that had rotted it makes it forget the warning he received from David when he clipped the corner of his shirt. He still see David as an enemy that would destroy his empire and take over his crown. He was not safe as long as life surrounded by his followers who increasingly larger numbers. He reluctantly pulled his shirt perguntingan teaching and events and once again bring askarnya mencuba chase and look for David to capture him alive or dead.

News came to the ears of David Thalout chase for the second time, then dikirimlah reconnaissance by David to find out where the Askar Thalout berkhemah. In ketemukan once again they were asleep with nyenyaknya disebuah hill because of lousy exhaustion. With several members of the army stepped back to sleep, David came in place a longer Thalout snoring in his sleep, he took an arrow stuck in his head right Thalout along a jug of water that is adjacent to his left. Then David cried out from the top of the hill as hard as his voice to the troops so that they wake ari Thalout sleep and maintain good safety of the king who was almost killed because of their kecuaian. He invited one of the troops to come take back the arrow and the jug of water belongs to the king who was stolen from his side with no one from those who know it.

David's action was intended as a warning to Thalout second time that a big guard that surrounds it will not be able to save his life if God wills take it away. David gave two warnings to Thalout not with words but with concrete deeds that makes it shudder to imagine the end of his life suppose David's revenge for what he has done and has designed for his assassination.

Great soul which has been shown by David in the second event has been very impressive in the heart Thalout.
He awoke from his reverie and he was aware that unlicensed far astray in his attitude toward David. He is aware that unlicensed passions insolence and shove him whispering devil design upon David's murder of innocent, loyal to his kingdom, who repeatedly risked his life for the sake of nation and country, never do kianat or dereliction of duty and obligation. He is aware that unlicensed he has committed a great sin to murder that has been done over several kerana ancient religious leaders only think that is not unfounded.

Thalout pensive sat alone flipping through sheets of the history of his life, since being in the village with her father, then unexpectedly and unexpectedly, thanks to the grace and gift of God is moved he became king of Bani Israil and how God has mengutskan David to her side and a maid faithful and gallant commander of the troops that are appropriate for his services he was awarded the highest, and not as he has done that has been design-gejarnya murder and chase after he fled from the palace. And although he has betrayed his evil designs of David, David was still pleased to give mercy to him on two occasions in which he easily killed suppose he mahu.

Imagine that its quasi-2 events become self deplores sesaklah Thalout chest that has been mired by the passions and temptations of the devil so he wasted bounty and mercy of God with acts which even brought sin and the wrath of God. So for the redeemed of their sins and repent to God, Thalout finally took the decision out of town off his crown and left his palace along with all the greatness and glory, he went wandering and wandering on the earth God until the time he got the call to leave this mortal world to immortal nature.

Syahdan, after the royal palace of Bani Israil abandoned by Thalout who go without leaving a trace, together with friends ramailah people raised and crowned as King David in power.

David gets Temptations

David can handle the affairs of government and empire, held a regulation and determine for themselves the special days for worship and bermunajat to God, the days to justice, the days to call and give enlightenment to the people and solve day-to-day affairs peribadinya.
In the days that are determined to serve and arrange affairs peribada-2, he is not allowed anyone to see him and interfere in khalawatnya, was on the days set for the trial so he prepared himself to accept any dikemukan lapuran and complaints by citizens and resolve all disputes and fights that occurred among them. That rule was followed carefully and strictly applied by the guards and palace security officials.

On a day where he had to close down for prayer and seclusion came two men asked permission from the guards to go to meet the king. Permission was not granted by the guards in accordance with applicable regulations, but the man forced his will and through a fence climb they came to the palace and met face to face with David.
David, who was doing his worship is surprised to see two men were in front when he convinced the guards the palace doors will not release anyone enter the palace to see him. Said both uninvited guests that when he saw David's face became pale sign of fear and surprise: "Do not be surprised and do not be afraid. We both came here to ask for a fair and correct decision about the case a dispute between the two of us. "

Prophet David was not able to do other than accept those who have been in front, though not through the proper procedures and protocols. He said to them after recovering his composure and lost a sense of panic: "Cubalah persoalanmu lay me in a real situation." Says seorh than the two men: "This brother has ninety-nine ewes and I just have a simple. He demanded and pressed for me so I handed him my sheep that sheep, to complement perternakannya be an even hundred. He brings a variety of reasons and the various arguments that are very difficult for me to resist, he warned that unlicensed cekap is more debate and more clever than I bertikam tongue. "

David turned advances to another man who was as he asked: "Is it true what has been described by brother are you?" "Yes", replied the man.
"If this is the case," said David, with angry "then you have done this and do wrong to your brother memperkosakan tuntutanmu their ownership with it. I will not let you continue your actions who do wrong, or you will face a penalty stroke on the face and nose. And indeed many of the people who organize it that do evil to one another unless they are true believers and pious charity. "

"Dear David", said the man replied, "You are the sepatut actually receive the punishment that you ancamkan me that. Should not you already have a ninety-nine women why are you still edit the longer a girl who had long been engaged with a young member of his own tenteramu loyal and long devotion and they both love each other and tied the knot. "
Prophet David was surprised to hear Reply brave man, firm and spicy, and once more he thought about where goals and objectives of those words, suddenly fled away, disappearing from view both the implant body of the two men. Prophet David's silence does not change the attitude of his seat and said, Awake he mused that free the two men were angels diutuskan by God to warn and reprimand him. He said, bowing and maghfirah forgiveness from God for all acts and deeds that are not diredhai by him. God states accept repentance of David, forgive his sins and raised to the level of the prophets and apostles.

The girl who is meant in David's conversation with the two angels who resembles a human being that is "bint Sabigh Sya'igh a girl who was flawless in elegant and beautiful, while her husband was" Uriah son of Hannan "a young bachelor who had long put love and binding promise with the girl that after returning from the battlefield they would both establish perkhawinan and live as husband and wife are happy. The young man has Rasmi woo Sabigh from both parents, who would gladly have accepted both the young man's outstretched hand.

But what to say when Uriah son of Hannan was in the land of carrying out the commandment of David strove to uphold the sentence of God, there was something that destroys the draft syahdunya it nd it becomes his goal to be married to Sabigh girl who coveted it, as if the dream or fatamorangana sheer.
On a day where Uriah was still far in the land of carrying out God's command to wage jihad, captured Sabigh paras ayu 'by both the eyes of David, and it arises from the first sight of love in the heart of David to the girl, who is legally fiancee of a member of the faithful and cekap tenteranya. David does not need to think long to express my heart to the pretty girl and her parents immediately went to woo the girl.

Hello parents who would think would refuse a helping hand as David to be a child-law. Is not is a great honor for him to be father-in-law of David, a man of God and the king of Bani Israil. And although Sabigh has been requested by Uriah Uriah namin had long left his fiancee and can not be certain that he will quickly come back or are in a state of life. Wise not think both parents Sabigh to reject David's outstretched hand solely because of waiting for the arrival of Uriah back from the battlefield. So David and her request diterimalah diserahkanlah Sabigh to be a legitimate wife.

Such is the story of David and Sabigh perkhawinan that experts say were targeted critics and commentators warning of God through the angel who merupai as two men who came to the Prophet David pleaded the settlement of their disputes concerning their ewes.

Day Sabtunya Bani Israil

Among the teachings of Prophet Moses a.s.-2 to call themselves Bani Israil is required to specialize in one day in each week for worship to God, purify their hearts and minds with the remembrance, bertahmid and grateful for every gift and blessing of God, bersolat and do good deeds-2 and charity- 2 pious. Forbidden for them on the appointed day was to trade and carry out the things that are worldly.
At first Jumaatlah day designated as a sacred day and the day of worship was, alan but they ask of Moses for the day of worship was imposed on every Saturday, to remind that on that day God finished His created beings. The proposal changes they proposed were accepted by the prophet Moses, then since then, on Saturday in every week daijadikan noble and holy day, where they are not trading and seek worldly affairs-2. They just diligently worship and virtue deeds ebrbuat ordered by religion. Thus day by day, month turned into months and years went by, but Saturday's custom purify maintained from generation to generation and generation after generation.

At the time of Prophet David's rule in a village called "Ailat" one of several villages located on the shores of the Red Sea, settled a group of people from the descendants of Bani Israil percariannya whose source is from fishing, and carpentry trades done each day except Saturday.
As a result of the purge command on Saturday in which no one malakukan merchandise or fishing business, the markets and the commerce-2 in the village became deserted in every day and night Saturday, so the fish in the sea-2 seemed adrift above the water surface, free fun partying around two large white stones are located on the seashore near the fishing village-Ailat.Ikan it seems familiar that on every Saturday night and felt safe to appear on the surface of the water without getting interference from the fishermen but once the sun sets on Saturday evening menghilanglah the fish back into the stomach and seabed in accordance with the instincts of animals owned by each creature of God.

The fishing village yang pd Ailat typical day have never seen so many fish floating above the water surface, even hard to get to fish as much as expected, assume is a good opportunity and very profitable if they engage in fishing on each evening and Saturday. Mind was not wasted, and regardless of religious orders and customs that have been effective since the Prophet Moses commanded, busy-busy they go to the beach to fish at night and day are forbidden, so that they failed to catch fish their hearts' content and as much as they expect, contrast to their results on a typical day.

Proponents of the faithful and the pious believers who come admonish the people fasiq who have dared to violate the sanctity of the day Saturday. They were given advice and warnings to cease their unjust actions and return to obey the order to distance themselves from religion and all its ban, supay avoid the wrath of God which can revoke the gift and the blessings that have been given to them.
Advice and warning the believer is not ignored by the fishermen who disobey them even more viable because it violated the demonstrative affection will lose the great material benefits they perolrh and fishing on the high holy days. Finally forced religious leaders to isolate them from society and forbade entrance into the city with weapons if necessary.

Dissidents say the fishermen were protesting: "real Ailat city is the city and where we lived together we have the same rights as you to stay settled here and occasionally you have no right to forbid us to enter our city and forbade us to explore this source of wealth-2 We have here the interests of our lives. We will not leave our city and went to move to another place. And if you are reluctant to associate with us then we recommend this Ailat city was divided into two portion separated by a dividing wall, so that each party-2 free to do and execute its business without interruption by other parties everywhere. "

With the dividing line between the fishermen who fasiq dissidents and adherents-bebaslah devout followers of the religion they practiced fishing activities semahu massive heart on each and every day without berkecuali.
They build-2 water channel to drain water into the sea near their homes-2-2 dam held that the return of fish mencegahkan le-2 sea when the sun sets every evening on Saturday at which time usually fish-2, which was adrift off again to the seabed.

The fishermen are getting rich because even become a big advantage that meeka get from the free fishing became more and more courage to do immoral and a violation of the command-2 that leads to the destruction of religious and moral character.
While the religious leaders who saw the fishermen were emboldened disobey God and do kemungkaran and wickedness in their own region they come from are still diligently during the period to warn them and give advice, if-2 can still be drawn to the right path and repent of their immoral deeds. But the wealth which they obtained from the result of multiple arrests, which made their eyes blind to melihta light of truth, their ears deaf to hear the advice-2 religious leaders and their heart is blocked by a passion disobedience and kefasiqan, making a party of leaders and advocates agaam the despair and said to sebahagian who still have high expectations: "Why do you still advise people to be destroyed by God and will ditimpahi hearts of those who will be destroyed by God and will ditimpahi a very hard punishment."

So also the Prophet David, after seeing all that free advice and warning to his people only considered as wind or as if the voice in the desert alone and saw no more hope that they will be conscious and aware back then pray he pleaded to God for their menggajar seksaan and punishment are worth it.
David's prayer answered by God's prophet and there was a great earthquake that destroyed the people who have been disobedient and despotic force against themselves by ignoring God's command and the command of His pious servants. While they are believers and pious God and terhindarlah get protection from catastrophe that hit it.

Some Kurniaan God To the Prophet David

God sent him as a prophet and apostle mengurniainya Nikmah, the perfection of knowledge, thoroughness and charitable deeds of wisdom in resolving disputes.

Revealed to him the book of "Psalms", the holy book which gather Qasidah-2-2 da rhymes and songs that contain adequate-2 beads and praise to God, the story of race-2 the first and prophets news to come, including news about the coming of Prophet Muhammad
God subdue the mountain hymn-2 and ordered him to follow the Prophet David rosary every morning and evening.
Bird-2 also participated hymn follow chaplet of David over and over again.
Prophet David was given a warning about the purpose of bird sounds or language-2.
God has given him the power to soften the iron, so that he can make the clothes and iron-2 circle with his hands without the help of fire.
David has been given the opportunity to become a powerful king to lead the kingdom that can not be defeated by the enemy, even on the contrary he always acquire victory over all enemies.
David dikurniakan the melodious voice of God that pleasant to hear so now he became a metaphor when someone says that unlicensed voice melodious voice he acquire the Prophet David.
The story of David and the story of Bani Israil Sabtunya contained in the Quran surah "Saba '" verse 11, sura "An-Nisa' verse 163, sura" Al-Isra '"verse 55, sura" Sad "verse 17 so that verse 26 and sura "Al-'Aaraaf" paragraph 163 so that paragraph 165.

Some Lessons From the Story of David A.S

God has set an example that a person no matter how big and perkasanya which only relies on his physical strength can be defeated by someone who is weaker with objects that are not just something means to David as a young age and the physical weak beat Jalout mighty armed with simple stone .

A weak and poor ought not to despair looking for results and gain glory in the effort and struggle as long as he relied to piety and faith in God who will protect them.

David's victory over Jalout not make him in pride and takabbur, on the contrary he be humble and gentle against friend and foe alike

The story of Prophet Sulayman

Prophet Solomon was one of the sons of David. Since he was a boy eleven years old, he already showed signs of intelligence, shrewdness, intelligence and precision in thinking in considering and taking something decision.

Prophet Sulaiman A Jury

While David, his father occupied the throne of the kingdom of Bani Israil he always mendampinginnya in each court hearing held to handle the case in land disputes and disputes that occur in society. He was deliberately taken by David, his father attended the court hearings and menyekutuinya in handling the affairs of the kingdom to train and prepare it as the crown prince that will lead the kingdom to replace them, when it is time he must fulfill the divine call to leave this mortal world. And indeed the smartest Sulaimanlah among other brothers and an even older age thereof.

An event that shows intelligence and acuity namely brain occurs in one of the trial that he helped to attend. in the hearing that two people came to complain to ask the Prophet David, they try the case of disputes, namely that free garden plants one of the two men had been entered by the goats cattle companions in the night that resulted in broken binasanya perkarangannya already treating so long so close to the harvested . Friend who complained that recognizes the truth of the complaint was his friend and that free-destructive haiwan ternakannyalah destroyed his friend's garden and perkarangan.

In case the dispute, David decided that free as compensation dideritai by the owner of the vineyard due to the destruction of his neighbor's pet goats, then the owner of the goats had to surrender their pets to the owners of the garden as damages caused by keeping animals kecuaiannya ternakannya. But Sulaiman who heard the decision was handed down by his father was a perceived lack of appropriate said to the father: "O my father, according pertimbanganku sepatut decision reads thus: To the owners who have lost crops perkarangan diserahkanlah haiwan cattle reared its neighbors for, taken the results and utilized for the needs, are perkarangannya who had perished were handed over to the neighboring farm owners to refurbished and treating until returning to his native state, then each receive back his property, so the way each side gets nothing more than profit or loss proper. "

Kuputusan proposed by Solomon was well received by both those who sue and be sued and be welcomed by the people who attended the hearing with a sense of awe at the intelligence and cleverness that although Solomon young age has shown maturity of thinking and courage gave birth to an opinion even if not in accordance with the opinion of his father .
This event is the beginning of the life history of Prophet Solomon is full of miracles and prophetic gift of God bestowed on him and his father David.

Throne of the Kingdom of His father Solomon Occupying

Since a young age has been prepared by David Solomon to succeed him to the royal throne singgahsana Bani Israil.
Abang Sulaiman called Absyalum not let itself bypassed by her sister. He thought that unlicensed was he who duly became crown prince and not a weaker brother and younger fizikalnya srta not many like him have the life experience. Kerananya he hold a grudge against his father that he regarded not justice, and of raping his rights as heir to the throne the first of Bani Israil.

Absyalum resolved will memberotak against bermati father and will fight hard to wrest power from the hands of her father or brother whatever he has to sacrifice to achieve that goal. And in preparation for the design of rebellion that, from the way he tried to approach people, showing compassion and love for them to help solve the problems they face and unifying them under the influence and leadership. He was not uncommon to expand its influence, stood before the palace gate to intercept people who come to the king and handle their own problems that they asked for settlement.

After feeling that unlicensed its influence is widespread among the people of Bani Israil and that unlicensed he has managed to captivate most of them, Absyalum assume that free time has arrived to implement the plan spoils of power and take over power from his father's hand with force. Then he spies spread throughout the country to incite the people and give a sign to advocates-advocates plan, that unlicensed when they heard the sound of trumpets, then they must be gathered, surrounded him and then announced his appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David's father.

Syahdan on a morning when David sat on the palace porch talking with the authorities and government advisors, rumbling voice came screaming people cheering Absyalum appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David demanded down from his throne. State of the city into chaos-riot-hit bilau uncontrolled safety and fights happen everywhere between the pros and the cons with the power Absyalum.

Prophet David was sorry to see the noise and chaos that swept the country, due to puterannya own deeds. But he tried to control her emotions and refrain from actions and measures that can increase the severity of the situation. He took the decision to avoid bloodshed which is not desired, leave the palace and ran out together workers across the river Jordan to the Mount of Olives. And so David went out of the city of Jerusalem, go Absyalum accompanied by his followers into the city and soon occupied the royal palace. While David did istikharah and Munajat to God on Mount of Olives Taufiq and begged Him for help to save the kingdom and the country from the havoc and destruction resulting from his actions, the rebellious son that.

After holding Munajat istikharah and diligent in God, David finally decided to immediately hold a counter action against his son and a squad of Military dikirimkanlah of his followers who are still loyal to him to Jerusalem to reclaim the royal palace of Bani Israil Absyalum hand. He told the commander of troops who will attack and invade the palace, to act wisely and wherever possible to avoid bloodshed and murder that is not necessary, especially regarding Absyalum, his son, he gave the message that saved his soul and captured alive. But fate has determined other than what the father wanted for her son. Successful commander stormed the palace can not do nothing other than kill Absyalum that fight and are reluctant to surrender after he was imprisoned and besieged.

With the killing of David, occupied the throne Absyalum back and calm returned to normal as it includes the city of Jerusalem. And after occupying the throne of Bani Israil wafatlah forty years of David in an advanced age and dinobatkanlah as his heir Solomon as diwasiatkan by his father.

Solomon Powers Up Jin and Other Creatures

Prophet Solomon who had complete control over the kingdom of Bani Israil widening and widening, Allah has subjected to him the other creatures, namely Jin the wind and the birds all of which are under orders to do what she wants and perform all command. In addition, God also gave him a gift in the form of the flow of liquid copper from underground to exploited for the construction work of buildings, works plates for a pool of water, pot-pot, which stay above the furnace is done by troops him Jin.

As one of the miracles that God gives to Solomon is his ability catch intent contained in the voice of animals and vice versa animals can also understand what he commanded and pronounce.
So then when Prophet Solomon caravan travel in large groups composed of men, jinn and other animals, leading to a place called Asgalan it through a valley called the valley of the ants. There he heard an ant said to his companions: "O ye ants, enter ye all into the nest, so that you survive and not be trampled by Solomon and destroyed tenteranya without his conscious and deliberate.

Prophet Sulayman smiled ant laughed at the frightened voice. He tells this to his followers as he thanks God for His bounty that makes it able to hear and catch the intent contained in the ant's voice. He felt that free takjud also understand that unlicensed animals prophets of God will not interfere with anything being deliberately and in a conscious state.

Solomon and the Queen Balqis

After the Prophet Solomon wake Baitulmaqdis and perform the pilgrimage according to nadzarnya continue his journey he went to Yeman. On arrival in San'a - the capital of Yeman, he called a kind of bird hud-hud told to look for woodpeckers to water sources in a dry place was barren. It turns out that free-hud hud bird that called it is not between regions of bird that always are in place to perform the tasks and commands of the Prophet Solomon. Prophet Solomon was angry and threatened to teach the bird Hud-hud who do not attend it if he came for no reason and the excuse was real.

Hud-hud said bird perched in front of Solomon as he bowed his head fears:: "I've done reconnaissance flights and find something very important to be known by his excellency sir. I have found a great empire and luxury in the land of Saba is controlled and ruled by a queen. I saw a queen was seated on a magnificent throne bertaburkan glittering jewels. I saw the queen and his people do not know God the Creator of the universe that has mengurniakan them pleasure and happiness in life. They do not worship and bow down to Him, but to the sun. They were bowing to him when his sunrise and sunset. They have been misled by the devil from the straight and true. "

Sulaiman said the Hud-hud: "Well, this time I forgive you your sins kerana bring news that I deem it important to note and to validate the truth beritamu it, please bring this letter to Saba and throw into the queen's palace which you meant it, then come back as soon as possible, while we await further developments on how to Reply queen of Saba this letter. "
Hud-hud fly back to Saba and upon arrival at the royal palace Saba Solomon dilemparkanlah letter right in front of the queen Balqis who was sitting with a majestically on his throne. He was surprised to see a letter falls from the air directly in front of his face. He then lifted his head looking up, want to know from where the letter was coming and who are less respectful threw it right in front of him. Then Take a letter by the queen, opened and read its contents, which reads: "With the Name of Allah the Most Merciful the Compassionate again, this letter is than I, Solomon. Do not be arrogant to me and think you're higher than me. Come to me all surrender. "

After reading the letter repeatedly Queen Balqis Solomon summoned the princes and royal advisers gathered to deliberate on what action should be taken in connection with a letter it had received the Prophet Solomon.
Berkatlah the authorities when requested petimbangannya: "O my lord queen Your Worship, we are the sons who bred and trained to fight and fight and not to become expert thinkers or planners who should be given consideration or advice to you. We submit to you to make decisions that will bring good to the kingdom and we will submit to and execute any command and decision without hesitation. We will not be afraid to face all threats coming from any dam safety in order to maintain your salvation kingdom. "

Balqis Queen replied: "I get the impression from uraianmu that you prioritize the way of violence and if necessary you will not be daunted enter the battlefield against the enemies who would invade. I am very grateful for your loyalty to the kingdom and kesediaanmu risking lives to protect my safety and the safety of my kingdom. But I do not see eye to eye with you all. According pertimbanganku, more wisely if we are on the path of peace and avoid violence and warfare. Because if we oppose the violence and until there is war and our enemy successfully invaded our cities, then nescaya will result in damage and destruction that sgt sad. They will destroy all the buildings destroyed, enslave people and seize all property and heritage of our forefathers. Matter like that is a corollary of every war experienced by the human history of the period to the during. Solomon then faces a letter containing the threat, I'd tried to soften his heart by sending a gift of a kingdom that will consist of valuable goods and high quality that can dazzle and dazzle her eyes and I'll see how he gave the response and reaction to my gift was and how he received the messenger in his palace.

While Queen Balgis get ready for the royal gift set that will be sent to Solomon and choose the people who will be the royal messenger bearing gifts, it was perched in front of scouts Solomon Hud-hud preach to him the draft Balqis to send envoys bearing gifts for him as an answer on his letter to him.
After hearing the news brought by the Hud-hud, the Prophet Sulayman manage revenue plan envoy Queen Balqis and ordered the troops Jinnya to provide and build a magnificent building that has no unmatched yes Balqis mission will dazzle the eye when they arrive.

When the mission of Queen Balqis come, diterimalah them with warm-hearted by Solomon and after hearing their description of the intent and purpose of their arrival with a prize brought the kingdom, Solomon said: "Come back you with these gifts to ratumu. Say to him that unlicensed God has given me sustenance and abundant wealth and mengurniaiku with the bounty and blessings are not given to someone DRP His creatures. In addition I have diutuskan as His prophets and apostles, and was awarded a vast empire sake only my power does not apply to human beings but also covers the types of Jin and the animals. So how am I going to be persuaded by the property and a similar gift this? I can not be neglected from the obligation to preach Prophethood by property and gold even though all the earth. You have been blinded by the body and worldly pomp, so that you look at the great gifts that you bring this and thinks that free will tersilaulah Ratumu our eyes to the prize. Go home you go back and convey to him that unlicensed we will send a very strong Military reinforcements that will not be invincible to the land of Saba and will issue a ratumu and his followers from the country as people who are abjectly who lost their empire and greatness, if he does not coming soon meet the demands and surrender to me. "

Balqis mission back to report to the queen what they experienced and what had been spoken by the Prophet Solomon. Balqis think, the best way to save himself and his kingdom is to give it up to the demands of Solomon and came to him in his palace.
Prophet Solomon to the Queen was eager to show that free Balqis he has supernatural powers in addition to birth control and that what he had ancamkan through the group's mission is not empty threats. Then said he to Jinnya troops, who are among those who could bring the throne of Queen Balqis before his men came surrender.

Said the Ifrit, a genie who tercerdik: "I could take the throne from Queen's palace Balqis before you had time to stand up from where dudukimu. Pesuruhmu I am strong and can be trusted.
Someone else who has the knowledge and wisdom nyeletuk said: "I'll take the throne was here before you could close your eyes."
When the Prophet Sulaiman saw the throne Balqis was in front, he said: This is one of God's gift to me to try whether I am grateful for His bounty it or deny Him, kerana thank whoever it was solely for his own good and Whoever denies God's blessings and bounty, he will lose money in the world and the hereafter and Allah is Rich, Most Noble. "

Menyonsong arrival of Queen Balqis, Solomon ordered his men to change slightly the shape and color of the Queen's throne who had been in front of it after the Queen had arrived along with escort-retinue, asked the Prophet Solomon said, menundingkan to the throne: "Similar Is this your throne?" Balqis replied: "As if this is my throne itself," while wondering to himself, how could that unlicensed his throne to be here when he was convinced that free was in the palace throne when he departed leaving Saba.

While Balgis mind was in turmoil, kehairanan see the throne his kingdom was moved to the palace Solomon, he was taken into a room that purposely built for acceptance. The floor and walls were made of white glass. Balqis immediately disclose his clothes over his calf when he was in the room, that free thought she was on a pool of water to wet the body and clothes.
Solomon said to him: "You do not have to disclose your clothes. You are not above the pond water. What you see is the glass-white glass into the floor and walls of this room. "

"Oh, my God," said Balqis menyedari weakness itself against the greatness and power of God is demonstrated by the Prophet Solomon, "I have long lost than thy turn, neglecting thy blessings and bounty, and menzalimi hurt myself so the fall of light and grace thy. Forgive me. I submit to Thy Prophet Solomon with sincerity and conviction. Have mercy on me, O God the Most Compassionate and Merciful. "

Such is the story of Prophet Solomon and the Queen of Saba Balqis. And according while commentators and historians prophets, Prophet Solomon in the end that free wedding with Balqis and from perkahwinannya was born a son.
According to the Ethiopian emperor Abessinia, they are descended from the son of Solomon Balqis results perkahwinannya with it. Bisshawab natural Allaah.

Death of Prophet Sulaiman

Al-Quran tells that unlicensed there are no signs indicating the death of Solomon except termites that ate his staff that he leans to him when God took his spirit. The genie who are working on building upon his orders did not know that unlicensed Prophet Solomon was dead until after they saw the Prophet Sulayman fell prostrate on the floor, due to the fall of the stick rests are eaten by termites. If the genie has been known before, surely they would not continue the work that they regard as a humiliating seksaan.

Various stories are associated persons in the verse that tells of the death of Solomon, but kerana stories that are not supported reinforced by a tradition that muktamad valid, then we should just stick with what was narrated by Al-Quran and then it is God who is more knowledge and to Him we surrender.

The story of Solomon can be found at the Al-Quran, surah An-Naml so that verse 44 verse 15

The story of Elijah the prophet Elisha as &

The story of Elijah

He was sent from God Almighty to correct Aqeedah one of the tribes of Israelites who inhabit a city Ba'labak. They worship idols named Baal. but no matter how persistent Elijah preaching, his people would not listen. So God punished them with punishment in the world and the hereafter.

The story of the prophet Elisha

He is the son of the uncle of the Prophet Elias. Conducting propaganda after Elijah died. Thus in the sermon he hold on to the shari'ah and method of Prophet Elias. The Qur'an does not elaborate about the prophet Elisha. Just described. "And remember Ishmael, Elisha, Dzulkifli. Everything including the people the best. "(Surah Sad: 48)

The story of Prophet Jonah as

Not much is told by the Qur'an about the Prophet Jonah, as was narrated about the prophets Moses, Joseph and others. And all that can be recorded and narrated by historians and commentators about the prophet Jonah is that unlicensed he named Jonah bin Matta. He has diutuskan by God to preach to the people in a place called "Ninawa" which is not his people, nor any blood ties with them. He is a stranger to come in the middle of it Ninawa population. He met them was in darkness, ignorance and disbelief, they worshiped idols associating partners to Allah.
Jonathan brings the teachings of monotheism and faith to them, invite them rather worship to God who created them and created the universe, leaving their offerings to idols they make themselves from the stones and the idols that can not be brought manfaaat or harm to them . He warned they call themselves as human beings who earn God's main advantages over other creatures is not duly humbled himself with the forehead and bowed their faces to worship the stones that they die pertuhankan, yet it is all made their own sometimes and can be destroyed and changed the shape and memodelnya. He invites them to think considering creation of God in themselves, in their natural surroundings to menyedarkan that unlicensed God that is worthy of worship the creator rather than the objects creation.

The teachings of the prophet Jonah was for the residents Ninawa a novelty that they had never heard of before. Kerananya they can not accept to replace the teachings and beliefs that have been inherited by their ancestors who had become their customary habits from generation to generation. Moreover, the carrier that religion is a stranger no collateral with them.
They said to the prophet Jonah: "Do the words that you say it and lie what do you recommend to us about your new religion that? These are our gods that we worship the true and grandmother moyamg disembahkan by us long ago. The reasons justifying whether we abandon our religion passed down by our ancestors and replace it with your new religion? You are the one who in the midst of us who came to destroy our customs and to change our religion and what advantage that gives you above us reason to mengurui and teach us. Stop-ajakanmu aksimu and encourage this in our area. Believe that unlicensed you will be unable to followers of us and that unlicensed ajaranmu will not get the market among people who are very firm Ninawa maintain the traditions and customs of our old people. "

Barkata Prophet Jonah replied: "I just invited you believe and bertauhid according to the religion which I take as a mandate of God that I shall tell thee. I'm just a messenger commissioned by God to lift you from the valley of the darkness of error and brought you to the right path and deliver straight to you clean the sacred religion from the seeds of kufr and shirk is degrading to human dignity solely for your own good and goodness of thine offspring later. I occasionally do not expect anything from you wages or fringe benefits, nor want power or position. I can not force you to follow and implement the teachings of me. I just remind you that free if you remain defiant and ignored the invitation, still reject the religion of Allah that I carry, while maintaining akidahmu and your religion is a false and heretical, God nescaya later will show you the signs of truth risalahku to reduce his punishment seksa on top of you as have been experienced by the former namely the Noah, Aad and Thamood before you.

They said the warning of the Prophet Jonah with opposition saying: "We continue to reject ajakanmu and will not be subject to the orders or follow kemahuanmu and occasionally we will not fear any ancamanmu. Cubalah ancamkan what you bring to us if you are correct in your words and do not lie to us. "
The prophet Jonah can not stand to live with for a while in the midst of the Ninawa who insisted on his head and being blind-deaf to face teaching and preaching. He then left the Ninawa with a sense of annoyance and anger as he pleaded with God to impose penalties on people who are disobedient and obstinate that.

The prophet Jonah Sepeninggalan Ninawa population began to see signs of worry as if the threat of the Prophet Jonah to them will come true and God's punishment will actually fall on them to bring destruction and misery as experienced by the pagan idolaters before them. They see the state of the air surrounding the increasingly darkening Ninawa, pets they seem restless and anxious, their faces pale unwittingly become bloodless and the wind blowing from all directions with kecangnya bring a frightening roar.

In a state of panic and fear, they Awake that unlicensed Jonah did not lie in his words and promised that unlicensed what they are not empty threats of its own making, but the threat from the Lord. Immediately they expressed repentance and forgiveness for all their actions, expressed faith and believe in the truth of the prophet Jonah preaches as he feel sorry for their harsh treatment of and attitude that makes him angry and left the area.

To atone for sins, they were out of town and flock to the hills and desert, crying begging God for forgiveness and mercy from the inevitable disaster of His punishment and seksaan. Mother pets separated from their children so that the sound of screams of animals separated from their mothers participated as if begging the safety of the disaster that was threatening to come upon them.
Allah the Most Knowing that free His servants were honest in taubatnya and taste sesalannya and call themselves really and his heart is back from his faith and also pleaded averted from His punishment seksa, pleasing lowered his grace-and mengurniakan maghfirat unto His servants who sincerely repent sincerely declare and begged forgiveness of all sins. Dark air that includes Ninawa be bright, the faces are pale and red again ebrseri-series and the animals are restless to be calm, and then return these people to the city and home each with a full sense of joy and gratitude to God who was pleased to receive their prayer and supplication.

They said in their hearts after feeling calm, peaceful and safe from the catastrophe which almost swept them: "Where the hell Jonah is now located? Why do we have succumbed to the devil and follow the promptings of lust, make her leave us with a sense of anger and annoyance kerana our stance against and hostile. How happy we assume he's still in the midst of our guide and taught us the things that bring us happiness in the world and the Hereafter. He is truly God's messengers and prophets that we have wasted. May Allah forgive our sins. "

As for the state of the prophet Jonah who had to leave town suddenly Ninawa, so he wandered up the mountain on foot down the mountain without a goal. Without realizing he was suddenly disebuah beach again see a group of people hurrying about to ride a ship. He asked the owner of the ship to be allowed to participate along with other passengers. Ships immediately release sauhnya and glide with speed to the middle of a calm sea. The tranquility of the sea can not last long, kerana suddenly shaken and terayunlah ship by a large wave that came suddenly followed by a strong wind storm, making the helmsman on board the ship and all it's been a panic fear Dalan see the state of the ship that was not can be controlled balance.

The passengers and helmsman sees no way to save the situation if the weather still raged and did not subside, except by way relieve the heavy burden by sacrificing one of his cargo than passengers. Lottery then carried out to determine who among the passengers who must be sacrificed. On the first pull out the name of Jonah, a passenger who they most respected and loved, so they all feel the weight to throw into the sea to fish prey.

Then the raffle was held for the second time with each of the passengers do not expect to come out again the name of their loved Jonathan, but their hopes and exit melesetlah Jonah's name back in the second lottery. Thus to the lottery for the third time agreed upon as the last and decisive Yunuslah name that appears to be sacrificed to save the ship and other passengers.
The prophet Jonah is with regard telitinya lottery when the decision was made to feel that unlicensed lottery it is the will of God that can not be denied that perhaps therein terselit wisdom that he can not menyelaminya. Jonah also aware at that time that unlicensed he had sinned by leaving Ninawa before obtaining permission of God, so perhaps it is the lottery's decision as penance he was doing it. Then he beristikharah menghenimgkan copyrights moment and without any hesitation immediately threw herself into the sea immediately accepted by bending waves are raging with the enormity of the under-dense dark sky.

As the prophet Jonah who fought against the tide swung, Allag revealed to a whale to swallow are round and deviations in the stomach as the mandate of God that should return intact no later injured when the time comes.
The prophet Jonah in the belly of the whale that took him breaking waves arise and sink to the bottom of the sea feel chest tightness and sorrow as she begged pardon of God over sin and wrong actions done in a hurry. He cried in the darkness of the whale's belly: "My Lord, there is no god but You, You are now clean and indeed Oft have I sinned and became one of them who do wrong."

When finished serving his sentence of God, for some time has been determined, ditumpahkanlah Prophet Jonah by a whale who conceived him and threw it ashore. He was thrown from the mouth of the fish to the shore in a state of weak and sickly thin. But God in His grace to grow in the place he was stranded a pumpkin tree that can overshadow Jonah with the leaves and enjoy the fruit.
The prophet Jonah after recovery and become fresh again commanded by God to go back to visit Ninawa where a hundred thousand more people longing-longing his arrival to lead them and give guidance further to perfect faith and their faith. And the prophet Jonah was surprised when the incoming Ninawa and not seeing any graven images stand. Instead he met the people who formerly opposed it and refused wrongheaded teachings and now have become believers, pious worship praise and worship God Almighty

The principal story of Jonah noted above narrated by Al-Quran in surah Yunus verse 98, sura Al-Anbiaa 'paragraphs 87, 88 and Sura Ash-Shaffaat paragraph 139 so that paragraph 148.

Teaching to be learned from the story of the prophet Jonah.

Bahawasannya a who served as a preacher - missionary interpreters must have patience and not be quick-quick to anger and despair when his message should not be welcome or not immediately accepted by the people who didakwahinya. In such circumstances he must be patient guarding his emotions and his message continued to be wise and gentle, as the word of God in surah An-Nahl verse 125 which meant: 'Call, berdakwahlah the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching and their bantahlah way {good} polite and gentle. "

In the self of the Prophet Jonah God has given examples of how he has regretted his actions are hasty kerana lose patience, leave the Ninawa, but they still can disedarkan to accept his invitation assume he was in no hurry angry and leave them without first negotiating with God had sent him.
For violations that have been done without conscious punishment God has given to the prophet Jonah in the form of confinement in the whale's belly as a warning and teaching so as not to happen again after he was given a pardon and were told to return to the Ninawa continue preaching.

The story of Prophet Zakariya as

Prophet Zakariya as

The prophet Zechariah was the father of Prophet Yahya solo son born after he reached the age of ninety years. Since married Hanna, mother Mary, his brother, Zakariya longed for a son who would become his heir. Day and night there is no stopping it offer his prayer and supplication to God for dikurniai a son who will be able to continue his job leading the Children of Israel. He khuatir that unlicensed when he died without leaving a successor, his people will lose their leader and will return to the ways their lives are filled with wrongdoing and wickedness and even maybe they will change the Shari'a Moses by adding or subtracting the contents of their book of the law at will. In addition, he as a man, wanted also to their offspring and continued to be continued uninterrupted throughout the generations and allow God permits.

Prophet Zakaria every day as a routine task away to a large mihrab perform prayers and visit child-in-law Mary, who handed over to the sanctuary by his mother in accordance with nadzarnya while he was still in the womb. And indeed Zakarialah commissioned by the committee to oversee the sanctuary of Mary since he was handed over by his mother. The task of self-supervision is received by Maryam Zakaria through a lottery conducted by the managers of the mihrab in time to receive the baby Mary, who handed over control to him it was the brother of his wife own child, which until now had not a single child dikurniai by God.

An event that is very amazing and menghairankan Zakaria has occurred on a day when he came to the sanctuary as usual. He sees Mary in one corner of the mihrab was deep in sembahyangnya so do not ignore the father of his brother who came to visit him. In front of Mary, who is engrossed in worship was seen by Zakaria various types of summer fruits. Wondering Prophet Zakaria in his heart, where it comes from fruit this summer, when they were still in winter. He did not wait for his sister's son finished the prayer, she then approached her and reprimanded asked him: "O Mary, from where you can this all?"

She replied: "This is a gift of God that I can without looking and I have requested. Dikala morning sunrise at a time when I get this rezekiku already been in front of my eyes, so when the sun sets at dusk. Why is the father of his brother felt amazed and awe? Is not God is able to provide sustenance to whom He will without calculation? "

Maryam bint Imran
Mary, who was mentioned in the story of Zechariah is the only child of Imran a dam rather than clergy leaders of Bani Israil. Mother's brother-in-law of the prophet Zechariah was a barren woman who has since married Imran not feel happy if you have not obtained a child. He felt life without children is a quiet and boring. He is very long descent to become a strong binder in the life of a husband and wife, and carriers like penglipur grief in family life. He was going to offspring, so that when he saw a mother menggandung bird feeding her baby or to her child, she felt jealous and continue to make memories that would not go out of his memory.

As the years passed, increasingly advanced ages, but the desire to remain desire and craving-craving still does not blossom into reality. Various ways dicubanya and various advice and guidance of implementation, but has not brought results. And after all the effort that comes from human ingenuity and power do not bring the expected fruit, Awake wife of Imran that unlicensed only God is the only place in power and able to fulfill her desire mengurniainya with a child who longed for even though his hair was gray and he was already advanced. So he was determined to round off his hopes only to Allah prostrate full day and night with solemn and humility bernadzar and promised to God when his petition dikalbulkan, will give up and donated her to the Baitul Maqdis to be a servant, guard and maintain the shrine and on occasion will not take benefits from their children for the benefit of himself or his family interests.

Imran's wife Hope is rounded to God is not wasted. God has accepted the petition and offered his prayers in accordance with what you have are written in his destiny that of husband and wife Imran will be lowered a great prophet. So the beginning signs of pregnancy that is felt by every woman who looks at the wife of Imran contains a long run to feel fetal movement in his stomach which continues to expand. How happy the woman who was pregnant was, that free-craving dreams will come true and the silence of the household will terpecahlah dikandungkan when the baby was born. He was with her husband started to design what will be given to babies who will come. If they were sitting together nothing is discussed apart from the baby to be born. Sad gloomy atmosphere that always includes household Imran turns a merry, the face of a husband and wife Imaran a radiant sign of joy and happiness and despair that gripped their hearts both turned into a full sense of hope will be good days and brilliant.

But very true pearls of wisdom which says: "Humans design, God disposes. Imran is very loved and loved by his wife and is expected to receive with him when his son first and she gave birth, his life was suddenly snatched away by Izra'il and his wife died there alone in a state of pregnancy, at which time the usual sense of love affection between husband and wife become increasingly intimate.
Sadness left by her husband who loved mixed with pain and fatigue that preceded the birth of the baby, wife of Imran struck in a moment of near term delivery. So after all the preparations to welcome the arrival of a baby has been done to perfection he was born a poor mother from the womb breathe free air. Somewhat kecewalah Imran widow mother after learning that free-born baby was a daughter while she waited for a son who has been promised and to Baitulmaqdis bernadzar for granted. With a tone of disappointment and sadness berucaplah voice he said, exposes her face to the top: "O my Lord, I have given birth to a daughter, while I bernadzar will submit a son who is more worthy of being servants and administrators Baitulmaqdis. God will teach her daughter that with good education and will make Zakaria, the father-in-law and brother of Mary as a supervisor and pemeliharanya.

So then when Mary delivered by his mother to board Baitulmaqdis, the monks stampeding each wanting to be appointed guardian who is responsible for the supervision and maintenance of Mary. And no one mahu kerana relented, then terpaksalah raffled among those who eventually falls to the Zacharias sweepstakes as promised by God to his mother.
The first action taken by Zakaria as an officer who is required to maintain the safety of Mary is away from the hustle around and out of reach of the visitors are not constantly coming to see and visit him. He was placed by Zakaria in a room high above the attic Baitulmaqdis that can not be achieved except by using a tangga.Zakarian feel proud and happy lucky to oversee the task of winning the lottery acquire and maintain is the son of Mary was legally his own brother. He devoted love and affection completely to Mary, to replace the biological child who did not come. Every chance he come see her, see her, take care keperluannya and provide everything that brings peace and joy for him. Not a single day Zakaria never leave his job to visit Mary.

Her love and affection towards Mary as a child Zakaria saudra his father abandoned his wife rose to reverence and respect when an event occurs that indicates that unlicensed Mary is not an ordinary girl as other girls, but she is a woman God's choice for a position and role large in the future.
On a day when Zachary came, as usual, visited Mary, she found him again in the mihrab drown in remembrance of worship and prostrate to Allah. He was startled when his eyes catch the food dishes of summer fruits is located in front of Mary, who again prostrated. He then asked in his heart, from where on earth the fruits that come, but they are still longer in the winter and knowledge Zakaria none other than himself who came to visit Mary. So when Mary ditegurlah after he prostrated and raised his head: "O Mary, from where did you acquire this fortune, though no one has visited you, nor will you ever leave mihrabmu? In addition, these fruits are the fruits of summer that can not be purchased on the market this winter. "

She replied: "This is peberian God to me without me trying or asking. And why do you feel amazed and surprised? Is not Allah the Most Mighty gives sustenance to whom He will sesiapa invaluable in large numbers? "
So God has given his first mark as a miracle for Mary, the holy girl, which was prepared by him for the birth of a great prophet named Jesus Christ as
The story of the birth of Mary and Zachariah maintenance to her can be read in the Qur'an surah Ali Imran verse 35 to 37 and 42 to 44.